类 QueryGrpc.QueryStub


public static final class QueryGrpc.QueryStub extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractAsyncStub<QueryGrpc.QueryStub>
  • 方法详细资料

    • build

      protected QueryGrpc.QueryStub build(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions)
      build 在类中 io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub<QueryGrpc.QueryStub>
    • getBlockByHash

      public void getBlockByHash(QueryProto.GetBlockByHashRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<QueryProto.GetBlockByHashResponse> responseObserver)
       Get a block identified by its hash
    • getBlocks

      public void getBlocks(QueryProto.BlocksRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<QueryProto.GetBlocksResponse> responseObserver)
       Get blocks in a timestamp range
       Requirement: start_timestamp <= end_timestamp
       If neither 'start_timestamp' nor 'end_timestamp' is specified, then 'start_timestamp' will be set to
       the genesis block's timestamp, and 'end_timestamp' will be set to (start_timestamp + query.maxDuration)
       (query.maxDuration is specified in go-bdledger's config file).
       If only 'end_timestamp' is not specified, or (end_timestamp - start_timestamp > query.maxDuration),
       then 'end_timestamp' will be set to (start_timestamp + query.maxDuration).
       If only 'start_timestamp' is not specified, then 'start_timestamp' will be set to (end_timestamp - query.maxDuration).
       In all cases, 'start_timestamp' will never be earlier than the genesis block's timestamp,
       and 'end_timestamp' will never be later than the current timestamp when the node process the query request.
    • countBlocks

      public void countBlocks(QueryProto.BlocksRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<QueryProto.CountBlocksResponse> responseObserver)
       Count all blocks in a ledger, or blocks in a timestamp range
       Requirement: start_timestamp <= end_timestamp
       If neither 'start_timestamp' nor 'end_timestamp' is specified, then count all blocks in the specified ledger.
       If only 'end_timestamp' is not specified, then count all blocks with timestamps later than 'start_timestamp'.
       If only 'start_timestamp' is not specified, then count all blocks with timestamps earlier than 'end_timestamp'.
       In all cases, 'start_timestamp' will never be earlier than the genesis block's timestamp,
       and 'end_timestamp' will never be later than the current timestamp when the node process the query request.
    • getRecentBlocks

      public void getRecentBlocks(QueryProto.RecentBlocksRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<QueryProto.GetBlocksResponse> responseObserver)
       Get recent 'count' blocks (Only support IncludeTransactions=NONE for now)
       查询最新的 'count' 个区块
    • getTransactionByHash

      public void getTransactionByHash(QueryProto.GetTransactionByHashRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<QueryProto.GetTransactionByHashResponse> responseObserver)
       Get a transaction identified by its hash
    • getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex

      public void getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(QueryProto.GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndexRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<QueryProto.GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndexResponse> responseObserver)
       Get a transaction identified by hash of the block it belongs to and its index inside the block
    • getTransactions

      public void getTransactions(QueryProto.TransactionsRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<QueryProto.GetTransactionsResponse> responseObserver)
       Get transactions in a timestamp range
       'start_timestamp' and 'end_timestamp' follow the same requirements and rules as in 'GetBlocks'.
    • countTransactions

      public void countTransactions(QueryProto.TransactionsRequest request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<QueryProto.CountTransactionsResponse> responseObserver)
       Count all transactions in a ledger, or transactions in a timestamp range
       'start_timestamp' and 'end_timestamp' follow the same requirements and rules as in 'CountBlocks'.